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New Soil Relocation Rules Now in Effect for British Columbia

BC Soil Relocation Process

The British Columbia Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy has released new regulations for soil relocation in B.C. effective March 1, 2023.

The provincial soil relocation process has included a series of legal provisions in the Environmental Management Act and Contaminated Sites Regulation that ensure non-waste quality soil is characterized before it is relocated to receiving sites for beneficial re-use. The process includes provisions for notification and for registration of high-volume receiving sites. Subject to any applicable exemptions, notification is required when non-waste quality soil is relocated from sites with a history of specific industrial or commercial use.

Now with new soil relocation requirements, the ministry aims to ensure that relocated soil does not inadvertently contaminate receiving sites and increase risk to human health and the environment. The new soil relocation regulatory process will enable greater ministry oversight and increase transparency for all.

For more background information click here.
