
Content related to: Remediation

New ESSA Membership Categories

ESAA is pleased to announce two new membership categories.  In addition to the legacy Full and Associate membership categories, the two new categories are:
•    Sole Proprietor ($400 + GST) - Any unincorporated company with no more than one employee, or any self-employed person who provides an environmental product or service, is eligible to be a Sole Proprietor Member. Sole Proprietor Members shall be entitled to receive notice of, and to attend, all meetings of the Members and shall be entitled to one vote each at such meetings.  Sole Proprietors Members receive all the benefits of a Full Member
•    Student Member ($25 + GST) - Any individual who is registered as a student in a post-secondary institution with an interest in environmental studies, products and/or services is eligible to be a Student Member. Student Members shall be entitled to receive notice of, and to attend all meetings, of the Members but shall not be entitled to vote at such meetings.
