
Content related to: Remediation

RemTech East 2023 Presentations Now Available

RemTech East Presentations

RemTech East 2023 conference presentations are available here.


While most presentations are specifically targeting remediation, there are some general presentations that may be interest to the broader CCLM community:

Roadside Vegetation Naturalization Pilot Project in Calgary, Alberta - Kent Cryer, Earthmaster Environmental Strategies

Windermere Wetland: a History of Contamination, Remediation, Restoration, Innovative Monitoring and Management - Gordon Wichert, SLR Consulting


And from the 2022 Proceedings

Remediation of Wetland Used by First Nation for Plant Harvesting - Muntazir Pardhan, Dillon Consulting

RemTech East 2023 Presentations Now Available

RemTech East Presentations

RemTech East 2023 conference presentations are available here.


While most presentations are specifically targeting remediation, there are some general presentations that may be interest to the broader CCLM community:

Roadside Vegetation Naturalization Pilot Project in Calgary, Alberta - Kent Cryer, Earthmaster Environmental Strategies

Windermere Wetland: a History of Contamination, Remediation, Restoration, Innovative Monitoring and Management - Gordon Wichert, SLR Consulting


And from the 2022 Proceedings

Remediation of Wetland Used by First Nation for Plant Harvesting - Muntazir Pardhan, Dillon Consulting