
Content related to: Remediation

Alberta Chapter CLRA Conference Papers

The CLRA authorized formation of an Alberta Chapter in 1982 to serve as the umbrella organization for Annual Reclamation Conferences with a Program Committee consisting of representatives of the Government and Industry.  Through this Conference and perhaps other functions the Alberta Chapter of the CLRA can fulfil! two important roles: 
1. To provide an opportunity for members of the Reclamation community to meet , exchange experiences or argue and otherwise improve communications among its industry, government and academic factions .
2. To provide a public forum for reclamation activities, capabilities, issues and challenges.

Alberta Chapter CLRA Conference Papers

The CLRA authorized formation of an Alberta Chapter in 1982 to serve as the umbrella organization for Annual Reclamation Conferences with a Program Committee consisting of representatives of the Government and Industry.  Through this Conference and perhaps other functions the Alberta Chapter of the CLRA can fulfil! two important roles: 
1. To provide an opportunity for members of the Reclamation community to meet , exchange experiences or argue and otherwise improve communications among its industry, government and academic factions .
2. To provide a public forum for reclamation activities, capabilities, issues and challenges.

Contaminated Sites Policy Framework - 2023 Update

Contaminated Sites Policy Framework

Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (EPA) has updated the Contaminated Sites Policy Framework.

The updated document can be viewed here.

This revision includes updates to reflect newer policy guidelines that were not available in 2014. This includes:

  •   Alberta Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines. (2022),
  •   Alberta Tier 2 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines (2022), 
  •   Environmental Site Assessment Standard (2016), 
  •   Exposure Control Guide (Government of Alberta (2016). 
  •   Risk Management Plan Guide (2017). 
  •   Guidance for Site-specific Risk Basements in Alberta (2022)
  •   Guidance for Selecting Toxicity Reference Values for Alberta Tier 1 and Tier 2 Soil and Groundwater        Remediation Guidelines (2017)
  •   A Protocol for the Derivation of Groundwater Quality Guidelines for Use at Contaminated Sites (CCME, 2015).
  •   A Protocol for the Derivation of Soil Vapour Quality Guidelines for Human Exposures via Inhalation of Vapours (CCME 2014). 

The Remediation Regulation (2022) is now included as an important piece of legislation within the Contaminated Sites Policy Framework.
