Reclamation/restoration practices

Content related to: Reclamation/restoration practices

2021 Virtual AGM & Conference: Looking Forward

Alberta Chapter CLRA 2021 Annual Conference

Business, as usual, is no longer usual. Challenge and change, however, also creates opportunities for innovation and reinvention of how we work and live. We have re-evaluated everything we do and continue to adapt to ever-changing conditions. While we face new challenges none of us could have anticipated, we continue to look and strive forward.

More info at:

  • How have our organizations and teams learned new ways to achieve our goals?
  • How are we being agile in our changing regulatory and political climates with reclamation in Alberta? Are our efforts in reclamation being communicated to educate the public?
  • What initiatives have been launched to improve our reclamation and remediation practices in our province? 
  • What tools or innovative use of tools have contributed to our ability to move forward? 
  • How have we reinvented our approach to reduce liabilities while being safe, economical, and efficient?

Kotcho Lake Restoration Area

In 2019 the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation (HCTF) funded Fort Nelson First Nation (FNFN) to implement the Caribou Habitat Restoration Fund (CHRF) Kotcho Lake Restoration Area project to benefit the Snake-Sahtahneh caribou herd by limiting predator use of legacy seismic lines and using re-vegetation to increase habitat suitability for caribou.
Project goals:

  1. Develop a prioritization scheme for identifying boreal caribou restoration areas within FNFN’s territory and apply it to identify large (60,000 – 100,000 ha) areas for restoration over three year periods for the next 20 years; and
  2. Develop a restoration plan for the highest priority area, the Kotcho Lake Restoration Area. The resulting plan will use different approaches to restore the entire 600,000 ha area over the next three years.

FNFN has implemented a prioritization scheme for identifying key areas for boreal caribou habitat restoration and created a restoration plan. Restoration progress will be monitored over the course of several years to evaluate the impacts of restoration on caribou habitat.
