Reclamation/restoration practices

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Documentary Series Explores Urgent Efforts to Grow the Native Seed Supply Chain in the Western US

SER Native Seeds Videos

The International Network for Seed-based Restoration, a thematic section of the Society for Ecological Restoration is releasing a nine-part video series this summer about the native seed supply chain in the western United States.  Filmed over four seasons, the series explores the people working to increase the supply of native seeds to meet the growing restoration demand, weaving together footage of seed collectors, farmers, researchers, and land managers.

The idea for the video series came as a follow-up to the International Standards for Native Seeds in Ecological Restoration, published in 2020, a series of scientific articles examining key steps in the native seed supply chain and providing a framework for the “standards” that need to be applied to achieve strong and reliable native seed supply chains. The scientists behind the papers hope to use the film to make the findings more accessible and to broaden public understanding of the essential role native plants play in mitigating the effects of climate change and maintaining biodiversity.

Viewers can watch episodes for free on SER-INSR’s website, with episodes posted weekly starting June 29. The summer series will culminate in the release of a feature-length film version of the series on August 24. 
