Integrated land use

Content related to: Integrated land use

Working with Beavers

Working with landowners, municipalities, industry, government agencies and non-governmental organizations, Working with Beavers enables the realization of positive watershed outcomes by:

  • Increasing knowledge, awareness and participation in activities that restore and sustain watershed functions
  • Providing training for implementation of tools that enable coexistence with beavers
  • Researching new tools and beneficial practices for restoration and coexistence

Ottawa demands caribou protection strategy by May 1

Caribou on Road

Ottawa will not resume negotiations with Quebec on species at risk until the strategy for protecting the habitat of woodland and mountain caribou is tabled. Federal Minister Steven Guilbeault "strongly encourages" the province to send him the document before May 1.

Full text of this article can be accessed here: Ottawa demands caribou protection strategy by May 1 | Radio-Canada

*This article is being shared by the National Boreal Caribou Knowledge Consortium as the subject matter pertains to caribou and may be of interest to our audience.


5 Breakthroughs in Indigenous-led Conservation & Stewardship in 2023

Indigenous-led Conservation

December 20, 2023

The Indigenous leadership that generated international attention at last December’s COP15 Biodiversity Summit in Montreal continued to shine through 2023. The year brought challenges, including record-breaking wildfires that devastated communities across the country and sent smoke billowing for thousands of kilometres. But from the community level to the national stage, Indigenous Nations offered solutions for caring for lands and waters. Canadians welcomed these contributions: 75% of Canadians support the Guardians programs, for instance, according to a recent poll.

Here are some highlights ILI is proud to be a part of in 2023.  


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