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Theses - Memorial University of Newfoundland

The Memorial University Research Repository is an initiative to showcase and preserve Memorial University's creative and intellectual output.

The repository will support faculty efforts to discover and communicate new knowledge, will improve the visibility of Memorial's research in the global arena, and will help our students and faculty to build impressive, lasting digital portfolios.

Theses - Memorial University of Newfoundland

The Memorial University Research Repository is an initiative to showcase and preserve Memorial University's creative and intellectual output.

The repository will support faculty efforts to discover and communicate new knowledge, will improve the visibility of Memorial's research in the global arena, and will help our students and faculty to build impressive, lasting digital portfolios.

Theses - Memorial University of Newfoundland

The Memorial University Research Repository is an initiative to showcase and preserve Memorial University's creative and intellectual output.

The repository will support faculty efforts to discover and communicate new knowledge, will improve the visibility of Memorial's research in the global arena, and will help our students and faculty to build impressive, lasting digital portfolios.

Theses - University of British Columbia

The UBC Theses and Dissertations collection promotes open and comprehensive access to a significant body of unique knowledge created by graduate students to support further research and for private study. The authors retain copyright ownership and moral rights to their theses. The content of theses may not be re-purposed or exploited for commercial gain without the explicit permission of the authors

Theses - University of British Columbia

The UBC Theses and Dissertations collection promotes open and comprehensive access to a significant body of unique knowledge created by graduate students to support further research and for private study. The authors retain copyright ownership and moral rights to their theses. The content of theses may not be re-purposed or exploited for commercial gain without the explicit permission of the authors