soil reclamation

Content related to: soil reclamation

Ecological Recovery Monitoring Program (ERMP)

In keeping with Alberta’s history of continuously [adapting] its industrial land conservation and reclamation program and related legislation in response to changing public expectations and improvements in reclamation science, this project will evaluate ecological condition of reclaimed/certified sites (and how this varies among ecosites and over time after certification) and achieve two principal objectives:

  • Create a scientifically robust, transparent, and financially sustainable long-term reclamation monitoring system.
  • Conduct a retrospective study of historical well sites to address key knowledge gaps that currently constrain the assessment of ecological recovery after reclamation.

Theses - Laurentian University

Our Research Repository - LU Zone UL is host to the electronic theses and dissertations accepted at Laurentian University. Consulting these documents can enable you to better understand thesis formating as well as provide specialised information within your subject area. Explore the collection by browsing by subject, by author search, or through advanced searching.

Theses may be in English or French.


Theses - Laurentian University

Our Research Repository - LU Zone UL is host to the electronic theses and dissertations accepted at Laurentian University. Consulting these documents can enable you to better understand thesis formating as well as provide specialised information within your subject area. Explore the collection by browsing by subject, by author search, or through advanced searching.

Theses may be in English or French.


Theses - Laurentian University

Our Research Repository - LU Zone UL is host to the electronic theses and dissertations accepted at Laurentian University. Consulting these documents can enable you to better understand thesis formating as well as provide specialised information within your subject area. Explore the collection by browsing by subject, by author search, or through advanced searching.

Theses may be in English or French.
