Indigenous knowledge

Content related to: Indigenous knowledge

Cumulative Effects of Environmental Change on Culturally Significant Ecosystems in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region

This master's project focuses on the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) in the western Canadian Arctic, which is experiencing environmental changes that affect subsistence harvesting practices and are of concern to local communities. In order to assess the impacts of multiple disturbances on culturally important ecosystems in the ISR, researchers created a cumulative disturbance map that represents relative intensity of terrestrial disturbances across the study region. They assessed levels of disturbance in harvesting and management areas, modeled future disturbance scenarios, and assessed the potential for conserving large contiguous areas of unaffected harvesting lands.

Responses to Projected Changes in Climate and UV-B at the Species Level

This project is part of an holistic approach to assess impacts of climate change on Arctic terrestrial ecosystems. It focuses on current, short-term phenotypic, and longer-term genetic responses of plant, animal (including caribou) and microorganism species to a changing climate and UV-B regime. Information in the study is taken from indigenous observations, scientific monitoring, experiments and models.


“These Trees Have Stories to Tell” Linking Denésƍliné Knowledge and Dendroecology in the Monitoring of Barren-ground Caribou Movements in the Northwest Territories, Canada

Grounded in an Indigenous methodological framework and using dendroecology as a scientific assessment tool in combination with oral history analysis, this thesis project assessed changes to caribou movement patterns in the traditional territory of Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation (LKDFN), Northwest Territories, Canada. 

Nunavut, Uqausivut, Piqqusivullu Najuqsittiarlavu (Caring for our Land, Language and Culture): The use of land camps in Inuit knowledge renewal and research

This is a masters project completed through the Geography and Environmental Studies program at Carleton University. Sharing stories in Inuit culture has been the foundation of knowledge transfer for generations. This is my story of learning, of research, learning through relationships, and learning from the land through the stories of Elders and youth of Gjoa Haven, Nunavut, during Elder-youth land camps to learn about caribou in 2011/2012. Using the Qaggiq model, I explore how nuna (land) connects us with iliqqusiq (culture), uqausiq (language), and unipkaat (living histories). The land camps are a place for knowledge renewal, to build and strengthen the connections between generations, and a place for communities and researchers to connect. Learning on the land provides the place for strengthening inuuqatigiittiarniq (relationships), inuusiqaqttiarniq (living a good life) and allows the youth to experience how the land provides niqiqainnarniq (sustenance). Storytelling connects us with others and by listening carefully there are many lessons that can guide youth in living a good life
