Wet Pond Reclamation at Suncor

Robert Martin
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The issue of how to best manage the wastes resulting from the bitumen extraction processes
is complex.
When clays contained in the oil sands are subjected to the Clark Hot Water Extraction
Process a sludge is formed. This sludge is contained in large tailings ponds. It is very
stable and releases the water it contains very slowly. The sludge accumulates during the
operational phase of the project and will be fluid long after the project is completed.
Ultimate reclamation of the sludge pond areas is a significant environmental issue. •Permanent ponds that are geotechnically secure can be constructed. Wet ponds are
technically necessary and the environmental issues can be managed.
This is a complex multi-disciplinary problem with far reaching implications. A coordinated
and co-operative management approach that will integrate the needs of the various stakeholders
is necessary.