Watersheds in the Alberta Oil Sands Environmental Research Program Study Area: Drainage Basin Delineations, Watershed Areas, and Stream Profiles

C.R. Froelich
G. Lee
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This report contains watershed boundary delineations and associated drainage areas, and channel profiles on watersheds in the AOSERP study area. Included are watersheds larger than 50 km2 (20 mi2) tributary to the Athabasca River, and tributary sub-basins which contain standard hydrometric measurement sites. Also included are 15 sub-basins within the Muskeg River watershed at which monthly and bi-monthly discharge measurements were collected for one year as part of an intensive study. It has been necessary to include delineations to the sub-basin mouth and to the measurement site, since the latter must be located upstream of the former to avoid backwater effects. Mylar plates of individual watersheds (and township-range overlays) and one of all watersheds have been prepared for use in reports and/or slide presentations.