The State of the Forest in Canada: Seeing Through The Spin

Resource Type
David Suzuki Foundation
Nature Canada
Natural Resources Defence Council
Sierra Club BC
Sierra Club Canada
Wilderness Committee
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This report takes stock of the best available science and knowledge to highlight impacts, metrics, and indicators that the federal government and industry partners hope to minimize or dismiss. It takes a critical look at industry claims advanced by NRCan and exposes the limited or selective information upon which these claims are based. In doing so, this report provides a more comprehensive picture of how forests in Canada, which are supposed to be managed for the public good, are doing. It begins with an overview of how Canada measures forests and how fast forests are being logged, particularly areas previously untouched by industry. It then takes a deeper dive into associated biodiversity and climate change impacts and the degree to which governments and industry claim that the forestry sector upholds Indigenous Peoples’ rights.