An Evaluation of Non-seeding Reclamation Techniques on an Oil Sands Pipeline Right-of-way

Don McCabe
Alan Kennedy
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An evaluation of the revegetation success of seeded and non-seeded portions of a buried oil sands water pipeline right-of-way was conducted at the Esso Resources' Cold Lake Production Project site from 1984 to 1987. Forty plots representing the two treatments were established along the pipeline right-of-way and measured each growing season. The following parameters were measured: vegetation cover, biomass of revegetation species, vegetation composition of adjacent forest communities, and vegetation encroachment onto the right-of-way.

The study concludes that in the Cold Lake region non-seeding of the right-of-way may be a viable reclamation technique. However, non-seeding is only effective on sites with low erosion potential and if annual monitoring of growth is planned. The data collected provides information on natural revegetaton and vegetation community development in the Cold Lake area.