The Canadian National Vegetation Classification: Principles, Methods and Status

K.A. Baldwin
K. Chapman
D. Meidinger
P.W.C. Uhlig
L. Allen
S. Basquill
D. Faber-Langendoen
N. Flynn
C. Kennedy
W. Mackenzie
M. Major
W.J. Meades
C. Morneau
J.-P. Saucier
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The Canadian National Vegetation Classification (CNVC) is an ecological classification of natural vegetation communities in Canada. It provides a framework for describing patterns of vegetation at multiple conceptual and spatial scales. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service (NRCan – CFS) has led the development of the CNVC since it began in 2000, working primarily on forest and woodland communities. CNVC development relies on partnerships with provincial and territorial government agencies for ecological expertise and data, and benefits from international collaborations. This report introduces the CNVC, including its rationale, history and partnerships. It presents the classification framework. It documents methods employed to 2018 for the development of types, including information sources and the expert review process. It also describes CNVC products to date, which are available on the CNVC website ( and the Natural Resources Canada – Canadian Forest Service Publications website (