Bow River Back Channel Rehabilitation

Wim Veldman
Pat Young
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In the 70' s a section of the Bow River about 20 km south of Calgary, was diverted to protect a school bus road. A dyke with a
1.5 metre diameter culvert was constructed across the upstream end of the original channel. Accumulation of aquatic and floating debris at the culvert inlet caused continual maintenance problems and the resultant inadequate flow to the original channel produced a stagnant water situation - a source of complaints by local residents.

To remedy the situation, water was reintroduced into the backchannel and pools created for waterfowl habitat by means of: (1) a coarse rock infiltration structure at the Bow River, (2) gated culverts to control the flow into the backchannel, (3) low rock drop structures to form pools, and (4) islands for waterfowl nesting.