Industrial Site Decommissioning

Martyn Riddle
Ed Osborne
Brian Geddes
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The objective of industrial site decommissioning is to leave the site in a safe condition consistent with its proposed future use. Environmental and human health concerns are key ingredients in any determination of what is a "safe condition".  Decommissioning can provide a significant benefit to the company through the sale or reuse of the site for industrial or other land uses.  A successful industrial site decommissioning and cleanup program will consider the following factors:
1. Management, planning, scheduling and cost estimating;
2. Shutdown of process equipment;
3. Disposal of excess raw materials, intermediates and final products as well as other supplies;
4. Lay off, transfer, or retirement of plant site employees;
5. Assessment of the nature and extent of site contamination;
6. Development of site cleanup criteria;
7. Development and implementation of a site cleanup plan;
8. Dismantling and disposal of equipment and other on-site facilities;
9. Future use evaluations or disposal of the plant site; and
10. Liaison with the public, government and the media.